
Guru's Weight Loss Fundas



Have you carried 5 kgs of groceries in one hand? How did it feel? Tired after just 100 steps? 10 kgs? Most of us  carry 10-30 kgs FAT on our body. Unwanted fat. This additional burden is straining our body and wearing down our joints/connective tissues. Wearing them out. Abdominal fat is squeezing our organs. In some cases, so badly, that it makes breathing difficult. 


Weight gain leads to: Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Sleep Apnea, Osteoarthritis, Fatty Liver Disease, Kidney Disease, Pregnancy Problems. Want any more reason to lose weight? Begin your weight loss journey today!


My weight has come down from 110 kgs to 92 kgs. On December 31, 2021 I am planning to bring it down to 80. Planning to lose 1 kg a month. Thought I should share my tips.

1. Eat less, walk more, work out.

2. Avoid sugar. Avoid carbohydrates.

3. Eat more proteins. 

4. Eat less fat. Avoid saturated fats. Eat good fats (PUFA, MUFA).

5. Weigh yourself once a week.

6. 60 minutes of vigorous walk every day is a MUST.

7. 30 minutes of exercise is a MUST.

8. Drink 2-4 litres of water every day. (eat less salt)




How about 2 tips from you? Have you done anything which has helped you lose weight?


9. Eat 4 meals a day. Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and dinner. Eat dinner by 7 am and have breakfast after 7 am. 

10. Avoid stress and anything that leads to overeating.


Rise, every time you fall. Do not give up. You will conquer and get rid of the unwanted fat.


Every new year we have made a resolution to lose weight and have not succeeded. Let us make 2021 different. Let us weight less and be more healthy and happy!