
Best Diet for T2D

I have prediabetes for maybe 20 years. Like most Indians, I tried black jamun juice, black jamun vadis, black jamun seed powder (mostly throw the packet after one use), karela, karela juice, dried karela (mostly would throw them), methi leaves, methi seeds.


Laboriously cooked Karela sabji yesterday. One tablespoon of jaggery! I began thinking. Oh my God! I was negating the effect of the bitterness with sweetness. Ergo, whatever good the insulin factors (lectins) were doing was probably being negated by the glucose/sugar from the jaggery. 


Thanks to consulting a Cardiologist, I had started 1 hour of walking every day and most importantly stopped sugar. Started sucralose and stevia.


Many have methi seeds soaked overnight. Not sure if all of these people have avoided the Diabetes rakshas (monster).


Incidentally, I tried a few of the Ayurvedic remedies which are advertised every day in most newspapers. Typically, these are concoctions with jamun juice, karela juice, and other famous diabetes inhibiting herbs as per Ayurveda. Some have as many as 49 ingredients.  Mostly, I would have for a few days, then after a year throw the bottle out!


Not sure any of these vegetables, herbs, worked. The walks really helped in burning the blood sugar and not allowing it to go up. My blood sugar levels did not come down -- neither did it go up.


One of the biggest mistakes in my strategy was eating out too often. Having sweets too often. Having too much of carbs. Carbs are nothing but sugar in suit and boot!

Sugar myths

Having done  a few courses on nutrition and one of diabetes, I am quite familiar with sugar and its myriad forms. Glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose are the most common or familiar ones. When you read labels you will come across sorbitol, maltitol, xylitol, erythritol all these are also sugars. Typically, these are artificial (manufactured) sugars.

One of the biggest myths is that jaggery is better than sugar. Closely followed by honey is better than sugar. Sorry to give a bizarre example, but this is like saying taking a poison pill is better than hanging yourself. The effect is the same. Sugar by any name kills. (yes...I hate Diabetes...it has killed all my loved ones. And $#@%$ rukne ka naam hi nahi leta. Hopefully, it will not kill me!)


Artificial sweeteners are better than sugar is another myth. Most doctors and nutritionists advise avoiding them. Some may recommend using them with care. 


Diet for T2D

Here are my notes for myself.



  • Avoid carbs and sugar as much as possible. Will raise your blood sugar fast and will keep you always hungry. It is like adding fuel to fire...more carbs/sugars you eat...you will become more hungry, you will want to eat more. 
  • Avoid fruits, specially sugary fruits. 
  • TOTALLY, TOTALLY avoid sugary drinks. 
  • Avoid maida, white bread, cakes, pastries.
  • Avoid fried stuff. 
  • Avoid processed foods. 
  • Avoid starchy vegetables.



  • Complex carbohydrates (more fibre is better). Brown rice, whole wheat, vegetables, beans, lentils.  
  • Have more protein. (more satiating and keep you full for a long time)
  • Have nuts and seeds. Walnuts, almonds, pistas, pumpkin seeds. Handful (30 g) at the most per day. 
  • Have 1-2 spoons of ghee per day. (check with Dr, if required) (Fats will prevent sugar going into your blood too fast.) (more satiating and keep you full for a long time)
  • Have NATURAL foods, whole foods, plant based foods. 
  • Have more fibre (vegetables).
  • Have more leafy vegetables.
  • Have more salads.



Meal plan for T2D

Each of us is built differently. Our background, culture, tastes are different. Our body constitution is different. Only a doctor or nutritionist can GUIDE you with a perfect meal plan. But here are some broad guidelines. You can tailor these ideas to suit you. 



Ideally, eat 4 times a day. 

  • Breakfast -- 300 calories
  • Lunch -- 500-700 calories
  • Snack -- 300 calories
  • Dinner -- 400 calories

The lesser the number of times you eat a day and the lesser you eat the better. (If your blood sugar levels do not permit this...then follow your doctor/nutritionist.) The less carbohydrates you eat, better. Avoid sugar!


Have about 1500 calories per day as indicated above. I know it is tough for most people to calculate calories. There are tools like Cronometer and Fitness Pal to help you. Many blogs like mine provide calorie information. On Twitter I keep mentioning the calories of popular food items.  Basically, be aware that most sweets and fats are loaded with calories. So AVOID them. 


Eat from a smaller plate. If possible eat from a plate which has 4 UNEQUAL compartments. 


40-50 % Carbohydrates (brown rice, whole wheat chapati, millets, vegetables, etc)

30-35% Proteins (eggs, beans, legumes, pulses, soya)

20-25 % Fats (ghee, oils with PUFA/MUFA, cold pressed oils)


The above thali I think aims to meet these percentages.  (If you read my other blogs, I have provided the breakdown of macronutrients for many of my meals. These will give you an idea of how to have enough Proteins and Fats and less carbohydrates.)


Ideal plate should be divided into 3 compartments. So that you can have your meals this way:

Half the plate - Leafy vegetables, non-starchy vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, green beans, etc)

Quarter plate - Lean protein (tofu, eggs, beans, legumes, soya)

Quarter plate - Grains, millets, OR starchy vegetables (suran, potatoes, etc).


Each meal should have about 1 spoon of ghee/good cold-pressed oil. 


Which oil to have? Have whatever oil you have been traditionally using? Changing oil every month is a good idea. Having different oils for different meals/purposes is a good idea. You may have olive oil for salads for instance. 


Subhasree Ray

Corporate Medical Services - RIL. PhD Sch. Ketogenic Diet & Refractory Epilepsy. Diabetes Educator (IDF)

shared on Twitter this image:




She shares excellent nutritional threads on Twitter. Do follow her and learn from her.  Here is an excellent thread on Diabetes:




Diet Plan for Diabetics by Dr Ray

Subhasree Ray

Corporate Medical Services - RIL. PhD Sch. Ketogenic Diet & Refractory Epilepsy. Diabetes Educator (IDF)

shared this Diet Plan for Diabetics on Twitter via these images:

She tweeted:

As many people asked my advice on a diet plan for #diabetes, I am sharing a week's diet plan for people who are living with diabetes. Same can also be followed by people having high blood pressure or cholesterol as the dietary principle remains same. Please share & save.



I don't need to tell you. You CAN/SHOULD modify this plan to suit you.  Of course, consult a doctor/nutritionist on its consequence.  What I mean is...if you are unable or do not want to have methi seeds soaked in water...it is fine. However, you will lose out on its insulinemic effect. Also, if you taking insulin or other diabetic medicines...you should take methi seeds (even though it is "natural" ) with great deal of caution. If you are not accustomed to snacks...you can skip them. Ideally, following what doctors/nutritionists suggest is the best. But one must listen to one's body. Above all, most doctors/nutritionists will listen to you and adjust and make good recommendations. 


Here is her original tweet:



Why this blog?

Doctors and nutritionists are also humans like us. But when they advise us, they advice us from a medical point of view. Many of them, of course, avoid saying things like avoid High GI (glycaemic index) foods. But in tweets, threads, social media such information is there. There is too much of information and the common man (including ME) is at a loss to understand and make sense.

This blog is an humble attempt to make the information more palatable. Make the information more PRACTICAL.  I typically provide information based on what I have done or what I am PRACTISING. 

Hope this blog has helped you.


If you have a question, ask me in a tweet on Twitter.  DO NOT SEND ME A DM (direct message). When you ask me publicly on Twitter...there are doctors and nutritionists who follow me. They may answer your queries.  I will definitely try to answer by searching Google.