
Live to Eat Blogs

Roshni Kanchan's Blog


In her blog, Roshni Kanchan, says:


Eat to live, not live to eat.


~Benjamin Franklin / Moliere / Socrates / Jesus – take your pick.

Internet named them all.


All these days, I thought it was my dad. He used to always say this to me when I was young. 


In her blog she reviews and analyses Rujuta Diwekar's book, "Indian Superfoods".

She does an awesome review. If you want to get your ideas clear about food, do read the blog. It will take you 2-5 minutes. If you follow those ideas, they will really help you. 


I have read most of Rujuta Diwekar's books and have seen most of her videos. I am a big fan of hers. 


Here is Roshni Kanchan's excellent blog post on the book:


Indian Super Foods