
Resolutions 2022



  1.  Cook at home 
  2.  Eat real food
  3.  Plan the menu 
  4.  Reduce salt
  5.  Eat less carbs (Avoid rice and wheat)
  6.  Have leafy vegetables 
  7.  Have nuts (Avoid farsan, biscuits, ice creams and junk food)


  1.  Walk 1-2 times a day, total of 1 hour
  2.   Exercise for 30 minutes 3 times a week
  3.   Meditate every day for 1-2 times 


  • 1 salad or raita for lunch and dinner
  • 1 protein and 1 vegetables
  • 1 leafy vegetable at least 3-5 times a week  
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of oil

Inspirational Resolutions

Planning to include other inspirational resolutions. Check them out.  Here are some resolutions of my favourite Dr on Twitter, Dr Pyaricetamol (SatanKiNaani).