
Satiety and Obesity

Satiety is the opposite of Obesity


Probably, you are obese because you are not getting enough satisfaction from food. You are going down a spiral of eating, eating, eating and no satisfaction. Carbs kill! Sugar kills.  We used to think fat makes us fat. That may not be true. I am sure, sugar makes us fat. Sugar increases our triglycerides. Sugar makes us sick!


I did a few online courses on Nutrition and read 20 books on nutrition. None mentioned "satiety". I think this is the main thing. How does one feel satisfied with the food one eats? Do so with lower calories/carbs/fat...and good health is yours!


The thali is a good way to get all your macronutrients - Protein, Fats and Carbs. If you eat a traditional meal -- what your grandmother cooked -- probably all these 3 would be there in good proportion. Such a meal would keep you healthy. 


I see so many meals/thalis shared on Twitter. Most of them lack protein. Did you know that 73% of us are protein deficient. 90% are unaware how much protein we require. My own guess is that 95% of us do not bother about including protein in every meal. 


I have written a whole blog on Protein.  I try to get about 15-25 g of protein in each meal. So I get about 60 to 100 g of protein a day. To be honest I am happy with 60 g (that was the old protein requirement).


Dr. Ted Naiman along with William Shewfelt has written the P:E Diet book.

Chris S. Cornell 

 has written an excellent article on the book. Here is the link


In the lucid article, Chris writes:

"The number one message in the P:E Diet book is that in order to improve body composition, you need to achieve higher satiety per calorie," said Dr. Naiman, "and I think you get a higher satiety per calorie when you increase protein and fiber, and when you decrease refined carbs and and refined fats. I think that's really what it's all about.


"The goal, according to Naiman, is to target foods that have higher P:E ratios and steer away from foods with lower P:E ratios. Naiman also urges people to avoid refined carbs and fats.


"Naiman has created a web-based app that calculates the protein to energy (P:E) ratio of any food when you simply plug in the food’s protein, fat, carbohydrate and fiber numbers. Most people would benefit from eating more foods with higher P:E ratios, according to Naiman.


"A food with a P:E ratio of 1.0 or higher is considered to have a relatively high protein density.

"My advice is for people to make incremental changes to their diet.” he said. “You have to realize where you’re at, and then choose foods that are incrementally higher in protein and fiber, and lower in carbs and fat.”


"Naiman notes that adding high protein foods to the diet actually make eating fewer carbs and fats easier. He explained that humans are programmed to eat until they have consumed an adequate quantity of protein—even if that means they have to significantly overeat carbohydrate and fat energy to accomplish that."


"What that means for most of us, according to Naiman, is that by eating more higher protein foods, we will become satiated sooner, and are likely to consume less total carbohydrates and fat.


"While adding protein, Naiman advises people to decrease carbohydrate frequency in order to force the body to become more fat adapted. Once the body is fat adapted, one is able to function using stored body fat without the constant need for carbohydrate intake.


"Another key point, according to Naiman, is to avoid foods that are high in both carbs and fats. “Foods high in both fat and carbs are rarely found in nature,” Naiman said. “They hijack our satiety and drive us to overeat."

More points in the article. Clicking this link!


Chris calculated the P:E ratios using the calculator mentioned earlier. I am providing a few interesting ones. (As I am vegetarian, I have provided only the vegetarian items with good ratios. Most non-veg items have good proteins, ergo, good P:E  ratio!


Food P:E ratios


  • Fat-free Greek yogurt - 2.57
  • Full-fat Greek yogurt - 1.13  (interesting isn't it.)
  • Asparagus - 1.36 (That's awesome. Now, we know why it is expensive!)
  • Eggs - 1.2
  • Kirkland Signature Trail Mix, 0.63
  • RxBar, Chocolate Sea Salt - 0.44
  • Clif Bar, Chocolate Chip - 0.21
  • Potato - 0.13 

In Sum:

Eat more proteins. Eat more foods that satiate you. Improve your satiety with healthy proteins, healthy fats and LESS carbs and even LESS, EMPTY, sugars.