
Medical FAQ

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash


We have many questions that we want to ask our doctors or to specialists. They have very little time. Many doctors and specialists are sharing information on Twitter and social media. Planning to note them down as Questions and Answers to create Medical Frequently Asked Questions.


  • What medical tests should I do?
  • Low Carb/Keto
  • More


What medical tests should I do?

According to Dr Altaf Patel, one of my favourite doctor columnist (Times of India) we are doing too many tests. There is no such thing as mandatory tests. Tests should be recommended based on symptoms, age, requirements. Medical tests for a policeman will be different from that of a pilot. Medical test for a driver should be different from that of a conductor.  (but you know...we hardly apply common sense).

Mandatory tests according to most doctors would be:

  • CBC - Complete Blood Count
  • Fasting and Post Prandial Blood sugar
  • HbA1C -- average of sugar for the last 90 days
  • Creatinine or Kidney panel
  • Lipid profile
  • Chest X-ray

Most of us who have joined a company had to undergo these tests as a mandatory part of joining. This made sure that employees are fit to do the job and also they do not start claiming any fake medical benefits. Good part was that we youngsters got a free Medical Check-up.  Else, most of us had to pay a couple of thousand rupees to do these tests. 


Sourav Ganguly is again in hospital due to myocardial infarction. Not sure if Stress Tests are part of Medical Check-up. I remember doing the Stress Test for myself as I wanted to be sure that I can do exercise seriously at the age of 50+. 


I also remember doing the ECG because that was a part of the requirement to take "treatment"/join the Jindal Nature Cure Centre, Bengaluru.  Obviously, it was normal and I had a fun 15 days at the Nature Cure Centre.  All of us by now know thanks to mutual funds advertisement that past performance is not an indicator of future performance. You are smart...so you must have understood what I am saying. Arre baba....yes....ECG is valid only for that day for that moment.  In short, I am saying do NOT do an ECG unless a doctor has advised you to get it done. 

Basically, the tests for the heart are usually not recommended unless there are symptoms. CVD (cardiovascular disease) is the number 1 killer in India (with 1 in 4 dying from it).  Do take care of your heart. If you have breathing issues or get tired easily, consult your doctor. 

Annual/Bi-annual/As needed

I used to do my tests annually. I would go for a Health Check-up every year. Usually, there are offers from Hospitals and Medical Centres (GSB Medical Centre was my favourite). So one could take advantage of such offers. My own guess is that 90% of the people would be "healthy".


Thanks to campaigns, annual or biannual visit to the dentist is an accepted practice.  I think visit to your GP should be a monthly/quarterly/half-yearly practice. Specially, if you are 50 or above. Typically, you will have some problem or the other...and you will visit them. 


Low Carb / Keto

Low Carb/Keto

Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy @DrDeepakKrishn1

Senior Interventional Cardiologist at Sakra World Hospital, Bangalore


I've realised the same .. very low carb is not possible for vegetarians unless you yourself or someone at home is ready to cook separately for you. Reducing portion size and eating less are the only possible practical ways in the long term. Avoid junk and sugary stuff.




Sudhanwa Pathak MBBS @pathaksudh


Vaccines I've taken in adult life

  • Tetanus toxoid
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A vaccine


As a child 

  • BCG
  • DPT
  • OPV





Joey @DrJoyeeta


I will wait for the Pfizer vaccine . 

Until then I am going to wear a mask and social distance. 


