
Health Resolutions

Are you the resolutions type? Someone who makes a resolution and keeps them. I am one. I make resolutions and keep them. Many are forgotten, not practised. But instead of making it on January 1 -- I now make them at any time. 


I don't even remember what all health resolutions I have made for 2021. It is there in a Word document (just behind this screen! 😉)


Lifestyle changes are required if you want to be fit, healthy, disease free and happy. Here is a tip tweet from my favourite Integrative & Lifestyle coaches on Twitter, Luke Coutinho.



I have put this image as much for you as for me. It is now available on the mobile. We can refer to it from time to time -- anywhere in the world. And put it into PRACTICE.


There is a new year gift from Luke Coutinho. A New Way of Living Document (about Circadian rhythm). You need to enter your name and mobile number. The PDF document will be mailed to you!


Not sure how Luke Coutinho, Shilpa Shetty, Rujuta Diwekar, all the actors and actresses look so fit. So many of the doctors whom I follow on Twitter are also so super fit.  I think they have good healthy routines. They eat well, exercise well.


Resolutions means DO IT DAILY. It should be a part of your routine. It should be a habit.