
Memory Saga / Smruti Akhyaan

Dr. Mangala Joglekar

(Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center, Pune) 

She has started a new column in Chaturang (Loksatta) in Marathi. I am planning to summarize, feature main points, of her column in my blog so that the English audience does not miss out valuable information. 


Her introductory column, Stages of Memory Loss (विसरभोळेपणाच्या पायर्‍या), was really inviting. Written in such pure, sweet, Marathi I was totally impressed. I wrote to her that she had hit the ball out of the stadium with her first column. My translation fails miserably to capture the beauty of her thoughts and words.  But the idea is that the English audience has access to it.


Summary of her column by me. 


Forgetfulness Progression


Forgetting/forgetfulness has become very common these days.  Even those in the 2nd and 3rd standard forget! If in a short time we have to handle a hundred tasks,  and then we forget one it is not the end of the world.


Overtime,  this continues and we keep climbing up on the ladder of forgetfulness. We wonder  what has happened to my memory? Then, we forget about it. Ignore it.  When this progresses and we begin to forget where we have kept our important documents or we find it difficult to handle an important task we feel something needs to be done.


Corona (Covid-19)  has only added to this problem. Such memory issues are not only prevalent in India, but the world over. The effect of Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2)  on memory and its consequences are being researched.


The lockdown led to feelings of unease, insecurity,  worry,  coupled with loneliness. Loneliness has had the most pervasive effect.  We are in touch but not face to face. Whether we are conscious or not of the benefits of social life,  it is important for a healthy mind. To chit chat,  to laugh without any reason,  to share (give and accept things), enquire about each others family,  when going out observing all that we see. The memories connected with what we see,  the shops, the trees, the people, help strengthen our memory.


While working in an office we finish work promptly, we take decisions speedily. The milieu where we took decisions, showed tolerance and fortitude is no more, at least for the moment.


Even if we have stopped worrying about being locked at home, about the risks while meeting someone, whether we will make enough money for our daily bread; the fear monster looms on our shoulders. Especially in the case of senior citizens, there is not much improvement in the last 9 months. 


Alzheimer’s Society has observed that the lockdown situation is having a deleterious effect on memory. Whether it is seniors in old age homes or those who are young and brilliant and working, everyone is forgetting. Whether is it remembering names, grocery list, words; everyone is forgetting. A research paper published in Frontiers of Psychology also says that the present situation has had effects on memory. Those who have recovered from Covid too are having memory problems.


Moreover, all over India, there is an increase in depression. The number of people suffering from anxiety has increased. After working on the computer for hours together, the mind is getting tired. Will this not have an effect on the brain?


In Science Wire fortnightly, a neuroscientist has expressed fear over a deluge of questions coming up regarding memory loss as a result of Covid-19. But we need not fear that our brain power is going down. We need not worry about it. 


A good thing is that the brain keeps signaling to us “Take care of me” by exhibiting various symptoms. Another good thing, if we try to increase the capability of our brain, the brain responds positively. Thirdly, as the brain is flexible, it can overcome its shortcomings.


Thus, Smruti Aakhyan (Memory Saga), this  column is about making your brain/mind powerful and effective. Let’s start with forgetfulness.


Types of Forgetfulness

There are 3 types: General forgetfulness, Forgetfulness with age, and Serious forgetfulness.


We will first try to understand the first two. Once we have understood them, and as the column unfolds, we will go into functioning of the brain, memory, temporary and permanent memory, and the messaging process. Then we will talk about useful research in this area.


Memory Club

'Memory Club' is beneficial for many people to keep their brain strong. We will explore it together. Let's learn how to use skills to solve memory problems in daily life, how to cultivate memory, what can we do to increase the efficiency of the brain. The biggest problem felt by everyone is not remembering names. Not remembering words when required leads to anxiety. Let's talk about what we can do about it. Let's learn in a scientific way how keep our brain healthy. Finally, we will come to Dementia. Let's look into the challenges of caring for dementia patients and the stress that caregivers have to undergo. That's my plan to write this column. There will be some changes as this column grows, and also as a result of feedback from you. I am not a medical doctor. I will write in a simple language that you can understand. In fact, what should be done for the brain is not rocket science. Many of you must be already doing things to solve your memory problems. If you get consolidated information in a column you will know how to proceed in a better ay. If you use this information in your daily life, it will help you to solve your memory issues. In fact, even small changes in your daily routine can make a noticeable difference in the proper functioning of your brain. Let's look at difficult questions from the perspective of problem solving. If we decide firmly to remove the obstacles blocking our memory, it will happen. If you go a little further and improve your brain health, you will have unlocked the secret of keeping your brain fighting fit. Of course you need to make efforts for a healthy brain. Our brain should support us till the end of our life. It is up to you to rejuvenate, protect, and empower your brain. We have to take this responsibility. No tablet will be effective, you need to take a tablet called self-discipline. Remember, you don't need money to build a brilliant brain. You require information, effort, imagination and willpower. Once the brain is trained to take a leap, it will take such a big leap that you will be surprised. Hope and pray that the power of your brain increases in the new year and may your life shine due to its radiance. See you soon.


About Mangala Joglekar

Mangala Joglekar is a professional social worker. She holds a degree in Social Work from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences and also degrees in Law and Urban Planning. But social work is her field of work. She had the opportunity to work in research, training, teaching and services to senior citizens. She has also worked on the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific's Employment Generation Project for Women. From 2010, she began working on forgetfulness through a memory clinic at the Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune. In addition, various activities were started through 'Alzheimer's Support, Pune'. Today, a variety of programs are underway in Pune for dementia patients and their families. Activities like Dementia Awareness, Memory Training Program, ‘Memory Club’. This memory club is getting a good response. She holds a Ph.D. in Dementia.