
Food on Twitter

Doctors, nutritionists, chefs, home chefs post excellent threads with awesome photographs.  Planning to make notes here so that people can access them here via link.


Dr Anil Bhat, Ortho in Manipal. For those who don't know -- if there is food heaven on earth, it is Udupi, Udupi, Udupi. Er, Manipal, Mangalore, Udupi Krishna Temple food, Diana, Taj Mahal all come within this definition of heaven. Dr Bhat shares awesome food photos and some recipes and tips.

We have two commonalities -- foodie and haddie (ortho). Er, I am NOT an ortho but have been doing a lot of "ortho" related translations. (I am a medical translator.) Maybe I should make that 3 -- both of us cook and are home chefs!


Here is an awesome post he shared on Uppitu (upma) on Twitter. He shared recipes and tips on Uppitu. Again, both of us are very fond of Upma. I have it at least 2-3 times a week! Click on the photo below to read the thread via Thread Reader! Or, click HERE!


We can say that Dr Bhat is the brand ambassador of Home Cooking. A very inspiring Home Chef.


His threads receive a lot of traction. Lot of doctors and foodies interact and share interesting tips.


Kalpana @kkalpu



I add 3/4 buttermilk and 1/4 water for the tangy taste.


 Dr Anil Bhat



I have seen some people add milk