
Psychology/Psychiatry · 07. December 2021
Mental Health Tips from a Psychiatrist
All of us get stressed and stress could make us lose our sanity. Make us "mad/insane". How to maintain our sanity in an increasingly insane world? A psychiatrist shares his tips. These are tips shared by Chirag Barjatya on Twitter. He shared tips given to him by his psychiatrist.
Psychology/Psychiatry · 28. November 2021
How to live with Black Dog/Depression?
WHO has two short videos on the black dog (depression) and how to live with it? 4 mins each. Worth while. It could save you or your friends life. It could help you to live a richer life. Do watch it.
Psychology/Psychiatry · 06. November 2021
Suicide Prevention Helpline
Indian Psychiatric Society has launced a Suicide Prevention Helpline from Monday to Sunday, 8 pm to 2 am.
Psychology/Psychiatry · 06. November 2021
Wellness Thoughts
As a man thinketh, so is he. Nurture good thoughts and be a good human being. Thoughts can change your life.
Psychology/Psychiatry · 03. November 2021
Depression / Mental Health
Are you depressed? I felt a Funeral, in my Brain, / And Mourners to and fro /Kept treading - treading (Emily Dickinson) Trying to provide you resources here to help you understand your condition.
Psychology/Psychiatry · 29. October 2021
Institute for Psychological Health
Institute for Psychological Health is an amazing institution working for mental health based in Thane. Dr Anand Nadkarni helms this wonderful institute.
Psychology/Psychiatry · 26. October 2021
Myths about Suicide
Myths about Suicide
Psychology/Psychiatry · 19. February 2021
Net Shrink - Online Psychological Counselling
Online counselling is now popular thanks to the lockdown. You can sit and home and talk to a psychiatrist or counsellor. You have privacy, no risk of travel or infection, and may be cost effective. Trying to list some INEXPENSIVE counselling (psychological help) options.
Psychology/Psychiatry · 09. January 2021
Memory Saga / Smruti Akhyaan
Dr Mangala Joglekar has a column in Chaturang (Loksatta) called Smruti Akhyaan. She runs a memory clinic in Pune. I am planning to summarize her columns in English for the benefit of those who do not follow Marathi.