
Food · 16. November 2021
Marathi Hindi Vegetable Names
Marathi food names are so beautiful, at the same time confusing. I keep forgetting these names and need to Google them often. Names of vegetables, snacks, etc.
Food · 11. November 2021
Healthy Evening Snacks
Evening snack can make or break your diet. Do you have an idea for a good evening snack?
Food · 27. October 2021
Shengole / Kondbule / Marathi Pasta
Shengole / Kondbule / Marathi Pasta Photo and Recipe courtesy Ramesh Chandak on Twitter
Food · 10. March 2021
Swarajya - Chav Maharashtrachi
Thakur Village, Food Truck in a courtyard. Former TeaVilla location. Swarajya, taste of authentic Maharashtrian food.
Food · 21. February 2021
Kolkata Street Food
Puchka, Jhal Mudi, Kathi Roll easily come to mind when we talk of Kolkata street food.
Food · 02. February 2021
100 Mumbai Street Food
Street food is nowadays available in restaurants. I am sure some 5-star restaurants serve Vada Pav and Batata Vada. When young, most of us enjoyed street food. Cheap and highly tasty but I suppose equally unhygienic and bad for health.
Food · 31. January 2021
Know Your Onions. No Onions.
Know your onions is to know your stuff. Many do not eat onions are saying NO to onions. For those who eat, it makes all dishes tasty. Surprisingly, Jain/Gujarati communities make very tasty dishes without onions and garlic. I love onions and garlic. Let's, er, know our onions.
Food · 24. January 2021
Frozen Foods
Frozen Foods generally refer to foods that are frozen so that they can be consumed later. Example, vegetables and fruits. Are they good for us?
Food · 24. January 2021
Food on Twitter
Doctors, nutritionists, chefs, home chefs post excellent threads with awesome photographs. Planning to make notes here so that people can access them here via link.
Food · 08. January 2021
Desi Khana / Indian Food is the Best
Indian thali is a well designed, scientific, meal. It satisfies all the taste buds as per Ayurved. Has all the macronutrients as per modern medicine/nutrition science. Is eco-friendly, diverse, and tasty!

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