
Best Diets from 39 Diets

Nina Teicholz @bigfatsurprise tweeted:


Again! @USNewsHealth ranks keto at near-bottom of its 42-diet list. Atkins is at 33, "modified keto"-35. Higher up are the "Noom," "Engine 2" diets.

Face with rolling eyes

This, despite the fact that there are now almost certainly more trials on low-carb than any other diet.

It is indeed, er, A BIG FAT SURPRISE, that Keto comes last. On my TL at least everyone seems to be doing Keto!


You need to see 40 slides laboriously. Who said diets were easy? Reading about diets is equally difficult.


A small digression. When I was 14 I heard over Voice of America, an American saying:


The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer time.


Diets are difficult. Not impossible. It will take a little longer time!


Here are my notes from these slides: [I have copied and pasted snippets from the US News site. Link provided above.]


No. 1 Mediterranean Diet


emphasis on fruits and vegetables, olive oil, fish and other whole foods,

No. 2 (tie) DASH Diet

No. 2 (tie) Flexitarian Diet

Here is an excellent article on Flexitarian Diet on Healthline -- one of my favourite resources. Summary:

  • Eat mostly fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  • Focus on protein from plants instead of animals.
  • Be flexible and incorporate meat and animal products from time to time.
  • Eat the least processed, most natural form of foods.
  • Limit added sugar and sweets.



I must say....I follow this diet. Except that I am vegetarian since birth. I became an eggetarian via Cakeitarian like many Indians. Cake mein anda chalta hai! In Reader's Digest there was an article how eggs are vegetarian. They called it Ram's laddoo in the article. And I started eating eggs. Hey Ram! This was some 40 years ago!


No. 4 WW (formerly Weight Watchers) Diet

No. 5 (tie) Mayo Clinic Diet

high ratings from our experts for its nutrition and safety and as a tool against diabetes.

No. 5 (tie) MIND Diet

No. 5 (tie) TLC Diet- Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes

promoting cardiovascular health. The diet was designed to help with lowering cholesterol and focuses on fruits and veggies

No. 5 (tie) Volumetrics Diet

No. 9 (tie) Nordic Diet

nutritious foods from land and sea, fruits, veggies, nuts and fatty fish, like salmon, while limiting sweets and red meat.

I actually did an online course on this diet. Summary is in the above line!

No. 9 (tie) Ornish Diet

No. 9 (tie) Vegetarian Diet

This is the diet I am following since birth. My Twitter TL is interesting. 50% are carnivores and 50% of these are promoting carnivorism. 50% are vegans and 50% of them are promoting veganism. A vegetarian like me has a tough time watching this fight.

No. 30 The Fast Diet

5:2 diet – eat normally for five days per week and cut calories to 25% of normal on two nonconsecutive days. Men consume 600 calories on the two fast days, while women, 500 calories.

No. 32 Raw Food Diet

...impossible to follow. ...potential for food poisoning from contaminated ingredients that are raw or undercooked.

No. 33 (tie) Atkins Diet

I bought the book some 2 decades ago. Read it. Never followed. (I have this talent for reading and not doing anything!

No. 35 (tie) Modified Keto Diet

classic keto diet can be very restrictive and limiting. Though the modified ketogenic diet gives more wiggle room on the fat, protein and carbs breakdown, it's still strict.

No. 37 (tie) GAPS Diet

GAPS diet, which stands for gut and psychology syndrome diet, is an elimination diet that is extremely difficult to follow.. appropriate for those with severe GI issues, such as Crohn's disease

No. 37 (tie) Keto Diet

lose weight and burn fat by entering into a state of ketosis, in which the body breaks down dietary and stored fat into substances that are called ketones. But the strictly carb-limited, high-fat diet

On my Twitter TL, almost everyone seems to be following the Keto diet. Impressive results and photos are shared. For me, a vegetarian, the diet is impossible. Not ready to become a vEGGetarian and eat eggs to lose weight!


U.S. News also gave an overall score to these diets. All the above scored 3.6 and above/5. The remaining diets score 3.5 or less/5. Listing them here for reference:

No. 12 (tie) Jenny Craig Diet,

No. 12 (tie) Noom Diet,


No. 14 (tie) Anti-Inflammatory Diet,

No. 14 (tie) Asian Diet,

No. 14 (tie) The Fertility Diet,


No. 17 (tie) Nutritarian Diet,

No. 17 (tie) Vegan Diet,


No. 19 Engine 2 Diet,


No. 20 (tie) Biggest Loser Diet,

No. 20 (tie) Glycemic-Index Diet [Glycaemic Index is a useful concept to follow in any diet.],

No. 20 (tie) Nutrisystem Diet,

No. 20 (tie) South Beach Diet,

No. 20 (tie) Zone Diet,


No. 25 Macrobiotic Diet,


No. 26 (tie) HMR Program [costly meal-replacement program - pre-packaged entrees, shakes and snacks],

No. 26 (tie) SlimFast Diet, No.



29 Acid Alkaline Diet [I personally feel Acid-Alkaline is mumbo-jumbo!],


No. 30 The Fast Diet [5:2 Diet],


No. 31 Paleo Diet,


No. 33 (tie) AIP Diet,

No. 33 (tie) Atkins Diet,


No. 35 (tie) Modified Keto Diet,

No. 35 (tie) Whole30 Diet (elimination of whole grains, legumes and dairy.) [There is a hole in this diet, dear Liza, dear Liza. But whole foods plant based diets are very popular. I am actually trying to follow that diet.],


No. 37 (tie) GAPS Diet,

No. 37 (tie) Keto Diet,

No. 39 Dukan Diet.




Most diets are based on fruits and vegetables. Not sure why they don't say vegetables and fruits! Fruits are not all that healthy. They contain a lot sugars. Emphasis on real food, unprocessed foods.