
Diabetes Reversal Programmes

Are Diabetes Reversal Programs money making rackets? Are they genuine?


I personally am skeptical about them. When I see too many ads and too many testimonials, I begin to lose faith in that company. A simple truth is: If it is too good to be true, it is probably not true.


Imagine -- if these programs were really as successful as they claim -- we would not be the diabetes capital of the world. Our endocrinologists and diabetologists would not be busy fighting diabetes and saving lives. 


Dr V. Mohan wrote an article for TOI, Chennai -- Truth about diabetes reversal explained.


Here's the link to it:  https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/truth-about-diabetes-reversal-explained/articleshow/87362722.cms


Dr V. Mohan is chairman and consultant diabetologist at Dr Mohan's Diabetes Specialties Centre, Chennai.


I agree with the doctor, when he says: Managing the disease is better than trying to find unsustainable  quick-fix solutions that can lead to bigger issues. 


There is an excellent case study that Dr Mohan provides, which is highly enlightening.  Do read it.


Dr Mohan says the correct term to use is remission (temporary absence or diminution of the severity of disease) and not reversal.  He says: In most cases, diabetes remission occurs due to profound weight loss. If people regain weight, as they usually do, diabetes invariably comes back. 


Here are some of his ideas to achieve remission. 


Lifestyle modification -- usually through a low-calorie diet (around 800 calories/day)

Er -- don't try this yourself. Ideally, consult a diabetologist or a nutritionist to do such medical diets. 


Low carbohydrate diets (less than 10%) are very popular these days. 


These according to me are highly impractical and should  be undertaken only on medical advice. 


On Diabetes Reversal Programs he says:  mobile phones, coaches, diabetes educators are used to motivate people to stick to lifestyle modifications. Constant feedback (on steps taken per day, calories in diet) is provided.


I would add many programs use Yoga, Ayurved, pranayam and their own diet aids. 


I agree with Dr Mohan when he says: The problem is that there is a lot of hype and false claims are made.  Remission occurs due to weight loss. If people regain weight, diabetes returns!


I strongly urge you to read the article. Print it out and read it often. 


My take-aways messages for you.
1. Consult a diabetologist.
2. Reduce weight (follow lifestyle modifications)

3. Avoid sugar and carbs.


There is no shortcut to cure yourself.