
Genetics and Heart Disease

Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy tweeted:

Dr CN Manjunath, Director, Jayadeva Inst of Cardiac sciences, has rightly pointed out the possible genetic background to #PuneethRajkumardeath. His brother Shivrajkumar suffered an MI in 2015 and underwent angioplasty. Raghavendra Rajkumar too has had cardiac issues. #Genetics


A strong family history of premature heart attacks is one of the non-modifiable risk factors for heart attack. You are at increased risk if you have a parent or sibling with a history of heart disease before age 55 for males or 65 for females.


Dr Krishnamurthy recommended at the end of the thread:


While you cannot control your genes you can control other risk factors 

1. Maintain ideal body weight 

2. Exercise regularly (get a cardiac check before start and periodically) 

3. Low carb heart healthy diet 

4. Avoid tobacco and excess alcohol 

5. Keep sugar/BP under control


Tests you should do....

1. Blood workup - sugars, lipids, HbA1C, thyroid, kidney function 

2. ECG, Echocardiogram, TMT (Treadmill Test) 

3. CT coronary calcium score 


And if indicated based on preliminary tests 

4. CT coronary angio or conventional coronary angio 

5. Cardiac MRI or MPI or PET scan as indicated


My Take

 If you have a family history of heart disease, then start taking care of your heart and  health early on.  We have seen so many young people dying an early death due to heart disease.  You can go to a cardiologist who will recommend tests and give you treatment. It is important to follow the recommendations above by Dr Krishnamurthy. 


Do read two more blogs by me for more details on heart disease. 


 Have a heart! Take Care of it!


Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest, Myocardial Infraction