
Wrong Food Combinations


Here is the link to this thread, if you wish to read it there:



What follows below is my perspective based on the thread.


Dr Shalini Singhal responded:

Dr Shailini Singhal continued:

...oxalate content reduces significantly so Palak Paneer is good. Banana-Milk I do suggest to many for various reasons but one can keep milk cold in the combo or give  a gap if required.


Fruits in meals I do not suggest if aim is to reduce carbohydrates in a meal and need to distribute carbohydrates during the day.


Fish & milk generally do not gel in a meal. Odd combination as milk is either had in breakfast or at bedtime when you will not have fish.


As regards fish and curd, 


My perspective

I responded to the main tweet with:


Most of the articles I have read about the food combinations are half-baked.


You and others may not agree with me. But, for me, a combination in use for several decades is not a bad combination. 


All your combinations have been in use for decades!

Let me now elaborate.


Fish and curd -- Dahi maach is a very popular fish and curd dish. So how can this be a wrong combination. 


Banana and milk -- this again is a favourite combination.


Fruits with meals -- this is a debatable topic, but we can hardly say that it is a wrong combination. 


Have never heard of Palak and Paneer being a wrong combination.  Palak has oxalates. The MYTH is that when you have Calcium rich foods (aka dairy), it leads to calcium oxalates, which turn to kidney stones.  On the contrary, in an article 6 Easy Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones  on Kidney.org, the advice is:

It is important to eat and drink calcium and oxalate-rich foods together during a meal. In doing so, oxalate and calcium are more likely to bind to one another in the stomach and intestines before the kidneys begin processing, making it less likely that kidney stones will form.


Dairy and Fruits

Dairy and fruits may not be a match made in heaven, but milk and banana is something that most of us have had since childhood.  Shikran is a very popular Maharashtrian dish made with banana and milk. All milkshakes are nothing but ice cream mixed with fruits. Fruit yogurts are so popular. 


I hope this article helps you to make a right choice. Hope it has cleared some myths and given you some clarity on this subject.