
Health Supplements

John Constas @JohnConstas asked on Twitter:

What's one health supplement that changed your life for the better?


Quite a few suggested Magnesium and Vitamin D. Magnesium Glycinate in particular. 


Here are the answers which he got:


Vitamin D...from sunlight.

Salt, Magnesium, Creatine, Vitamin C and Vitamin D

Whey isolate protein

Magnesium Glycinate & Vitamin D

Ashwagandha, l -lysine , creatine, fish oil, d3 , magnesium, zinc, insoltol, bcaa, glutamine , cordycepts [excuse Twitter typos -- blogger]

Black seed oil


Noni juice

Zinc, Magnesium and Boron.

Cayenne, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Turmeric







Detailed answers and responses:


Vitamin D for fighting off #COVID19


Magnesium Glycinate. I have never slept better.


Vitamin B12. I don't eat animal food.


Vitamin K2 - bone spur on foot & shoulder disappeared & artery calcium build up slowly disappearing.


Bile salts - My liver doesn't produce enough bile naturally, so they help me digest fat & fat soluble vitamins.



FitBit420 @fitbit420

Niacin and high dose Vitmain C

Why Niacin?

I have autoimmune issues & it flushes out inflammation,  relieves pain, cleared up tinnitus,  boosts brain function, takes other drugs like Vit c or taurine further into your body. Converts food into energy. Makes & repairs DNA, helps depression,  anxiety,  headaches,  fatigue.

Also used for high cholesterol 40 yrs ago before big pharma came up with statins. Perfectly harmless as your body just gets rid of the excess. Start small & work your way up. You'll love the effects.


Magnesium is great but I’m going to go with something I’m not seeing a lot of in the replies. 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar. Helps regulate blood sugar levels and keeps energy high! 


Empowerplus by Truehope.

It showed me that beyond a shadow of a doubt that mental illness could be improved with neutraceuticals.


Ceylon cinnamon makes a large difference in energy levels after consuming carbs, just smoother energy levels, makes a big difference to how insulin and all that shit works out carbs


Someone gave a full list:

Vitamin D







Dr Sara Hunt (nurse practitioner) wrote:

Iron for documented iron deficiency. With a very low ferritin I couldn't walk up stairs without my heart racing and feeling faint.After correcting the deficiency my energy skyrocketed, heart palpitations stopped, my feet didn't feel like icicles anymore, and dizziness went away.


Magnesium L-Threonate. L-threonate specifically helped my depression much more than glycinate.


Some other answers:

Stopping grain consumption


Starting Paleo/Keto


Not a supplement: I had the largest health effects by quitting dairy.




Green tea is great.


A gallon of water