
Marathi Dictionaries मराठी शब्ध्कोश

I ruined my French by using Google Translate. If you are a student of language, please avoid using Google Translate, until you are proficient with the language. 

When I started learning, rather re-learning (or unlearning the poor Marathi that I learnt from the Mumbai streets), I made sure I did NOT or I used Google Translate very cautiously. My Marathi improved by, er, leaps and bounds. 


You discover good websites by serendipity. I discovered Maxine Berntsen's  Marathi Dictionary.  Maxine is an American who has settled in India. At Phaltan, she started teaching English and in the process created the Marathi English dictionary. I found this resource very helpful, while beginning to learn Marathi.  I found her dictionary on the Digital Dictionaries of South Asia (DDSA) site managed by the University of Chicago. I also discovered other dictionaries there.


This site is awesome. The dictionaries have very robust search features. See the picture above for the search facilities, namely: Beginning of words, exact matches, Ending of words, and words containing (search with only a part of the word).  Above all, yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to find that now they have a combined search for all their 5 dictionaries. 


Combined Search for all 5 Marathi Dictionaries -- MR > MR/ENG 




Maxine Berntsen - Marathi to English Dictionary -- MR > ENG




Date + Karve - Marathi to Marathi Dictionary -- MR > MR




Molesworth - Marathi to English Dictionary -- MR > ENG




Vaze - Marathi to English Dictionary -- MR > ENG




Tulpule/Feldhaus - Dictionary of Old Marathi (1999 edition!) -- MR > MR/ENG

Tulpule, Shankar Gopal and Anne Feldhaus. A dictionary of old Marathi. Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1999.

Copyright © 1999 by Anne Feldhaus

Best part of this dictionary is that it is Marathi to Marathi and also Marathi to English. Marathi word is first explained in Marathi and then in English, with the usual dictionary masala (grammar pointers, references, etc).




A dictionary of old Marathi is also available for on-screen viewing of page images.



Marathi Dictionary Resources

Khapre's Transliteral.org


Another favourite resource of mine is the Khapre non-profit initiative called Transliteral.org.   Date + Karve and Vaze are available on their site.  In addition, they have the Marathi Paryayi Shabdkosh...Marathi Synonyms (and Antonyms) dictionary.

If you do a Google search you will find links provided from Transliteral.org. 

The site itself is not as robust or as useful as the DDSA dictionaries that I have provided links above.  Their search feature too is not very robust. 


Marathi Bruhadkosh / मराठी बृहद्कोश


मराठी बृहद्कोश -  https://bruhadkosh.org/


When you search for a word, you will find references from all the dictionaries.


(An excellent effort and excellent results. However, the search is not very robust. Still I am sure you will find it useful.) 


This site has the following dictionaries:


१. मोल्स्वर्थ शब्दकोश - Molesworth (1857)

A dictionary, Marathi and English. 2d edition, revised and enlarged 


२. वझे शब्दकोश - Vaze (1911)

The Aryabhushan school dictionary, Marathi-English 


३. दाते-कर्वे शब्दकोश - Date-Karve - Maharashtra Shabdkosh (1950)

 महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश



 Maharashtra Government's Dictionary is called Maharashtra Shabdkosh. It is nothing but a "revised" version of Date-Karve.