
Push Up Your Health

Pushups are really hard. They are not my favourite. The following muscles are targeted:

  • chest muscles (pectorals)
  • shoulders (deltoids)
  • triceps
  • abdominals
  • wing muscles (serratus anterior)

It is thus a great exercise as it targets a lot of muscles.

On Twitter, I had put an earlier video attempting a regular pushup.  Can you believe it, it got viewed 10,600 times! Some 200 plus comments, probably it crossed a 1000 likes too! Many suggested I do knee pushups and incline pushups. What I am doing above is an incline pushup. 


Important idea is that I have started.  By December 31, 2021 I want to be fit and fine and want to do regular pushups. 

The US Navy Seals require you to do 42 in 2 minutes. Here is insight from military.com:

Push-ups. Minimum number is 42 in 2 minutes, but you should shoot for at least 100 for an average score. Do not pace yourself. Push as many push-ups out as fast as you can, but do not neglect proper form or the SEAL instructor will not count them.



How many can you do in 2 minutes? In perfect form?


How many will I be able to do on 31 December 2021. Your guess is as good as mine.