
Guru's Fitness Fundas

Guru's Fitness Fundas    #GurusFitnessFundas on Twitter

[2 minutes read] [Short of time: Just read the coloured portions!]

SUMMARY: Diet, Exercise, Sleep and Water are the magic pills for health.


I can't believe I was 110 kgs at one time. I had a grossly obese friend. Once a common friend patted me on the back, thinking that I am the obese friend! That was a wakeup call. Later, this friend went for bariatric surgery and came down from 135 kgs to 100 kgs. 


I have come down to 96 kgs last year. Thanks to Covid and no farsan (plus ill health), I came down to 86 kgs and went into panic mode. Unlockdown and I was back to 94 kgs. Today, I am  91 kgs. Planning to be 80 kgs on December 31, 2021. Planning to lose 1 Kg a month.


Weight or fat mass is a very important number for your health. I thought I will share some Fitness Fundas to help everyone be fit. I find it difficult to follow fitness and nutrition advice. I am NOT fit. These NOTES are more for me, then for you. 


1. Weigh 1 kg less on December 31. 


If you weighed 96 Kgs in 2019 and this 31st, you are 95 kgs. It is an achievement.


2. Lose 1 inch around the waist in a year. Be below 40 inches  (men). 


3. Eat more protein, less carbohydrates and less fat. Avoid sugar.


Tough? Modified advice: Eat less.


Intermittent fasting of 12-16 hours. Eat dinner by 7 pm and breakfast after 7 am!


24 hour fasting (only water) once a week, fortnight, month.


4. Walk for 1 hour every day.


(do not count trip to the market. walking to bus stop/station or any daily errand).


5. Do weight training/resistance/body exercises/yoga for 30 minutes every day.


Stretching every day is good too. 


6. Eat 5 portions of vegetables and fruits every day. 


Eat the RAINBOW. Eat fruits/vegetables of different colours.


Get 30-50 gms of fibre per day. Eat only when hungry. Eat less number of times a day. 4 would be ideal.  Eat as less as possible.


5 cups or 500 gms of veggies. Fibre keeps your digestive system working and avoids constipation.


7. Avoid ultra-processed foods...Eat whole grains. Eats plants.


Eat food not products. Eat food not packets.

Avoid shiny packets. Avoid refined grains and products. Eat mostly plants and vegetables. Use cold-pressed oils. Rotate oils and use oils as per season. Use different oils every day. Different oils for different purposes. Idli/dosa - coconut oil. Salad - olive oil.


8. Spend 20-30 minutes in the Sun.


Get your free Vitamin D every day.  I walk at 11 am... to get daily dose of exercise and Vitamin D!


9. Sleep for 8 hours every day.

 More on Sleep

10. Drink 4 glasses of water (1 litre) every day.


Advice is for 8 glasses (2 litres).


11. Meditate for 10 minutes at least every day. 


Shavasana is a great way to relax and "meditate".


12. Avoid stress. Laugh a lot. Smile.


Spend time with family and friends. Laugh a lot. Be helpful. Be caring. Love one and all. Start by loving yourself.

Bravo! You read the full article. You are serious about health. Make sure you practice them!