Christmas Tidings

Merry Christmas folks.

Mostly my new ventures have started on October 2 or Gandhi Jayanti. This blog I have started on Christmas 2020. Not sure whether 2020 or बीस बीस or वीस वीस has become a bad word. Thank God, Government, doctors and people for keeping me safe and healthy.


I have been spending way too much time on Twitter. I must be following at least 500 doctors. Strangely, 500 doctors may be following me. 

Twitter has only 280 characters. So it is a micro-mini blog of sorts! But food reviews, movie reviews or discussions about Marathi would not fit in such a tiny word count. So I am planning to use this blog to write a few more words.

I salute all bloggers and also those who read these blogs and keep the blogs alive!

Will this blog be there till Christmas 2021. I hope it is there.

Thank you for reading up to this point.  Wish you greetings of the season. Wish you a healthy and safe new year.